
二霞,女,博士,硕士生导师,20196月在澳门银银河获得博士学位,202312月晋升为副研究员。目前以第一/通讯作者在Angew. Chem.Int. Ed.Adv. Mater.Chem. Sci.等国际期刊发表SCI研究论文10余篇。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目1项,闽都实验室主任基金1项。




Email: exchen@fjirsm.ac.cn


1. Er-Xia Chen,Liang He,Mei Qiu*,Yongfan Zhang,Yayong Sun,Wen-Hua Li,Jian-Ze Xiao,Jie Chen,Gang Xu*,and Qipu Lin*,Regulating Electron Transfer and Orbital Interaction within Metalloporphyrin-MOF for Highly Sensitive NO2 Sensing,Chem. Sci.2024,15,6833-6841.

2. Ming-Bu Luo,Li-Jun Chen,Shan-Lin Huang,Xuechou Zhou,Er-Xia Chen* and Qipu Lin*,Zeolite analogues based on oxysulfidometalate supertetrahedral cluster via coulombic interactions,Inorg. Chem. Front.,2023,10,3224-3229.

3. Er-Xia Chen,Mei Qiu,Yong-Fan Zhang,Liang He,Ya-Yong Sun,Hui-Li Zheng,Xin Wu,Jian Zhang* and Qipu Lin*,Energy Band Alignment and Redox-Active Sites in MetalloporphyrinSpaced Metal-Catechol Frameworks for Enhanced CO2 Photoreduction,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2022,61,e202111622.

4. Er-Xia Chen,# Jian Yang,# Mei Qiu,Xinyue Wang,Yong-Fan Zhang,Yu-Jun Guo,Shan-Lin Huang,Ya-Yong Sun,Jian Zhang*,Yang Hou* and Qipu Lin*,Understanding the Efficiency and Selectivity of Two-Electron Production of Metalloporphyrin-Embedded Zirconium-Pyrogallol Scaffolds in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2020,12,52588-52594.

5. Er-Xia Chen,Gang Xu and Qipu Lin*,Robust Porphyrin-Spaced Zirconium Pyrogallate Frameworks with High Proton Conduction, Inorg. Chem.2019,58,3569-3573.

6. Er-Xia Chen,# Mei Qiu,# Yong-Fan Zhang,Yong-Sheng Zhu,Li-Yang Liu,Ya-Yong Sun,Xianhui Bu*,Jian Zhang* and Qipu Lin*,Acid and Base Resistant Zirconium PolyphenolateMetalloporphyrin Scaffolds for Efficient CO2 Photoreduction,Adv. Mater.2018,30,1704388.
