
          陈俊翔,男,1988年出生于福建福州,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。于2010年,2012年2016年分别获得武汉大学学士硕士和博士学位(导师:陈胜利教授)。研究方向为理论与计算电催化。 致力于从第一性原理出发,发展理论计算手段,以最大限度模拟催化界面,从而解决电催化的根源问题。目前主要的学术贡献为:(i)提出了铂基氧电催化还原反应的界面电势依赖的活性与非活性占位相变图像,并由此解释了氧还原反应过电势的来源;(ii)更改“能量跨度”为电催化计算氢电极方法中的活性决定项,并提出了电催化活性火山曲线的电势依赖性这一本质属性。目前主持国家自然科学基金一项青年科学基金项目)。在包括Angew Chem Int Ed, Energy & environment science, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced functional Materials, ACS catalysis, Nano energy, Applied catalysis B, Chemistry of materials等刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇







1. Chen, J., Chen, Y., Li, P., Wen, Z., & Chen, S*. Energetic span as a rate-determining term for electrocatalytic volcanos. ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8(11), 10590-10598.

2. Chen, J., Fang, L., Luo, S., Liu, Y., & Chen, S*. Electrocatalytic O2 reduction on Pt: multiple roles of oxygenated adsorbates, nature of active sites, and origin of overpotential. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(11), 6209-6217.

3. Chen, J., Luo, S., Liu, Y., & Chen, S*. Theoretical Analysis of Electrochemical Formation and Phase Transition of Oxygenated Adsorbates on Pt (111). ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8(31), 20448-20458.

4. Chen, H.#, Chen, J.#, Si, J., Hou, Y.*, Zheng, Q., Yang, B., Li, Z., Gao, L., Lei, L. Wen, Z.*, Feng, X.* Ultrathin tin monosulfide nanosheets with the exposed (001) plane for efficient electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into formate. Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 3952. (Co-first)

5. Zhang, M.#, Chen, J.#, Li, H., Cai, P., Li, Y., & Wen, Z.* Ru-RuO2/CNT hybrids as high-activity pH-universal electrocatalysts for water splitting within 0.73 V in an asymmetric-electrolyte electrolyzer. Nano Energy, 2019, 61, 576-583. (co-first) 

6. Ou, L.*, Chen, J.*, Chen, Y., Jin, J. Mechanistic Study of Pt-Catalyzed Electrooxidation of HCOOH in Acid Medium: Kinetic Considerations on the Effect of Solvation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(43), 24871-24884.

7. He, H#., Chen, J.#, Zhang, D., Li, F., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Lv, X*. Modulating the electrocatalytic performance of palladium with the electronic metal–support interaction: a case study on oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8(7), 6617-6626. (co-first)

8. Wang, Y#., Chen, J.#, Wang, G#., Li, Y., Wen, Z*. Perfluorinated covalent triazine framework derived hybrids for the highly selective electroconversion of carbon dioxide into methane. Angewandte Chemie, 2018, 130(40), 13304-13308. (co-first)

9. Li, Y.#, Chen, J.#, Cai, P., Wen, Z*. An electrochemically neutralized energy-assisted low-cost acid-alkaline electrolyzer for energy-saving electrolysis hydrogen generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(12), 4948-4954. (co-first)
